Podcast version of the paper "Enhancing Expert Interviews" generated by NotebookLM


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This is the podcast version of the paper 

Hassmann, T., & Westner, M. (2024). Enhancing Expert Interviews: Insights from Information Systems and Digital Transformation Research. In 32nd International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2024). https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2024.48

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Expert interviews, a commonly employed qualitative data collection procedure in information systems (IS) research, lack consistent conceptualization. This paper aims to address this gap by providing a conceptual framework and comprehensive guidelines for a rigorous implementation of expert interviews, supported by real-world examples. After a systematic selection of method-relevant literature, a thematic analysis of twenty-eight articles, books, and book chapters is conducted to elicit the distinctive characteristics and rigorous conduct of expert interviews. Validation is provided by analyzing nineteen studies published in important IS outlets that use expert interviews. A particular focus is on a subset of five studies that cover digital transformation topics. The analysis reveals expert interviews’ flexibility as data collection procedure and shows the wide range of application opportunities for IS researchers. Lastly, we discuss theoretical and practical implications of our findings to enhance the rigor, systematic use, and relevance of expert interviews in IS research.
