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Since the medieval ages and up until nowadays, Russia had under its administration a diverse and rich land. Such a land required a proper management of resources, but also of a diverse population. The different types of ethnicities present in the Russian land gave rise to two scenarios: it was either easy to survive but difficult to thrive; or it was easy to thrive but difficult to survive. How did the Russian administration handle such issues and what is the impact left on the current Russian identity? Moreover, how can one differentiate between identity and nationality? In this videocast, Ștefania Leuca, an intern at OTH Regensburg along with her colleague, Eugenio Montalti, have interviewed PhD candidate from University of Glasgow, Mr. Nicholas Myers, who offers an insightful overview of the Russian administrative system, since the 12th century and up until nowadays, underlining the key role of identity.
Date: 10.02.2022